There is a 9:30 a.m. prayer service, Sunday school at 1o a.m. and worship at 11:00 a.m. See previous Worship Services on our You Tube Channel: click here for the link
We understand it is not easy to visit a church where you may not know many people if any at all. Just know that you are welcome! We will do all we can to make you feel welcome at Riverside.
Here are some Questions and Answers that may assist you in planning your visit to Riverside.
When should I arrive for a worship service?
About 10:50 a.m. Our Sunday School is from 10 - 10:50 a.m. A good time to arrive is in the transition from Sunday School to the worship service which would be 10:45 - 11:00. The worship service starts at 11 a.m. If you choose to visit during our Sunday School time you could arrive at 9:50. We begin our Sunday School time in the main sanctuary. We have classes for all ages.
How long does the service usually last?
About 1 hour. We are usually dismissed around 12:00 p.m. On special occasions the service can run a little longer.
How does the service usually flow?
( 10-15 min.) Opening, praying for our community needs, tithes and offerings. (guests, this is optional)
(15-20 min.) Worship time in song and praise
(25-30 min.) Message from our pastor
Do I need to "dress up"?
No. About 1/2 of our fellowship wear what would be considered casual. The rest mix it up with a few in suit and tie (sometimes) and others with sweaters (Winter) and casual shorts (Summer). We understand that you might be vacationing in this area. Just come as you are!
Is child care available for my small children?
Upon request, Childcare can be provided.
Do I need to be quiet when I enter the sanctuary?
Not normally. Because of the transition time between Sunday School and the Worship, many people will be visiting in the sanctuary before the service starts. It can actually get somewhat loud at times. Some would see this as an opportunity for fellowship and some may think it is disrespectful in the sanctuary. We're not saying it's good or bad, it just happens to be the way we currently interact before the service begins.
Will I be ushered into the sanctuary?
Not normally, You would seat yourself in any available bench.
Is Riverside a large group of people?
About 80-100 is our average attendance. It does vary quite a bit as some of our "snow birds" head South for the Winter time. The sanctuary seats about 200.
Do I need to bring a Bible?
That would be awesome, but not necessary. We believe the Word of God to be a core part of our morning worship. One of our Pastors has said on more than one occasion that he loves to hear the rustling of the pages. We have many that use their phones or tablets to access the Scriptures. There is no Wi-Fi available currently, so you will have to use your cellular data if you have a Scripture app.
What is the music part of the worship service like?
Usually about 15-20 min. in length, we use a variety of Hymns (Accapella) and current worship songs you would hear on a Christian radio station. We use guitar, bass guitar and cajon (box drum) and occasionally keyboard and ukulele to accompany the worship choruses or a backing track may be occasionally used. Sometimes one person will lead and other times a team of 4 to 7 may assist. If you enjoy singing harmony, you will love to participate!